Nir Altman and Tobias Naehring are pleased to announce a group exhibition with works by Eva Grubinger, Timo Seber and Johannes Tassilo Walter. Central to the show are the respective artistic approaches as well as an aesthetic materiality all three artists have in common. In her steel-and-rope sculptures, Grubinger deals with issues of seafaring and historical narrative, whereas Seber works with the depiction of reality in multimedia installations. JTW’s works deal with the specific qualities and meanings of paper as picture medium. In their individual narratives, the three positions harness the states of material lust, technical elaboration and conceptual composition.
Nir Altman, founded in Munich in 2016, and Tobias Naehring, working in Leipzig since 2011, share an intimate and adaptable approach to collaborating with their artists.
Eva Grubinger, Timo Seber, Johannes Tassilo Walter: Various Others
14/09/19 - 13/10/19
13/09/19 _ 6-9pm
80337 München